back to hawthorne heights you idiots! well Hawthorne heights has awsome melodies, there vocals, there guitars, they make pretty good music. you guys do know that you look really imature when all you do is bash people who acualy do know wat emo is today. you all think im so dumb and your so smart but where did you all get your concrete info from? the internet? your mama? well as i said before, emo has changed, the genre has changed. all of you guys just look at those origins of emo pages and think now that youv studied it to death, you know emo. no you dont. you know the origins of emo, the past, the start of emo. Not! wat emo is today. its wat emo was when it started! for ex. AcDc and Metalica were know as heavy metal, or hard rock back in the 80's but now heavy metal and or hard rock have changed alot, they have a way different sound. things change get over it!
Music is the entrence to the soul