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Old 06-09-2013, 03:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 55 or so bands i think should have been on William the Bloody's list

i didn't really want to take over William's thread but i did want to attempt to continue in the same spirit....seriously that thread was a blast while it was going and it really invoked some great participation....i hope this one does too

so at that i'll keep the post simple and quick as he did....a little bio, why i like them and maybe a silly anecdote should i have one and then a couple of examples for evidence

i've already made the list and put them in order of importance to me so like he did...i'll try to make this pretty quick and add at least three or four a week

the list actually has about 59 bands but some are so closely related to each that i figured i would combine Kid Dynamite and None More Black

55. Tartar Control (punk rock, comedy punk) ,Orange County, CA, era:Present day

they are two Mormons...Robert and Sean...from Salt Lake City who are on their mission in the greater Los Angeles area.....the invented and built an ill tempered robot who plays the bass and drums and helps them to distribute what they call "loud hugs" my friend Ryan told me "there is no way in hell these guys are Mormons."

Robert, Sean, and Robot are nothing short of hilarious....the music is simple but surprisingly good....and the lyrics are so ****ing funny....with songs about smoking crack as stress release, homicidal chimney sweeps, and of course Jesus these guys are just a riot....just watch their hilarious videos

i can honestly say that the real experience here is their live show....Robert is beyond confrontational with the audience....if you ever have a chance check these guys out live

plus i'm almost positive they are the first band in the history of all music with a "goat rape" solo (see Diabolical)

Holy Crap (Album Commercial)

Jesus Is Love

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