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Old 06-04-2013, 10:33 AM   #3 (permalink)
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^ Good call, Necromancer ! Reminded me of two other songs of the same era, although they are only celebrating music festivals rather than "hard news": Woodstock and Monterey.

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
I wonder if traveling minstrels ever had the sort of cult status afforded artists today?
Yeah, I wonder too; they may not´ve been signing t-shirts after their concerts, but I bet they found a groupie of two in the taverns ...

And this guy built up such a reputation for himself that he´s still remembered 800 years down the line:-

Blondel de Nesle was a French trouvère.

The name 'Blondel de Nesle' is attached to twenty-four or twenty-five courtly songs. He was identified as Jean II of Nesle (near Amiens), who was nicknamed 'Blondel' for his long blond hair. He married at the time of his father's death in 1202, and that same year, went on the Fourth Crusade... which may explain the subsequent legend linking him with Richard I of England.

If the works are correctly identified and dated, he was a significant influence on his European contemporaries, who made much use of his melodies. (The melody of "L'amours dont sui espris" is used in Carmina Burana, for the song "Procurans Odium"). His works are fairly conventional, and several have been recorded in modern times.
(Thank you, wikipedia.)
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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