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Old 06-03-2013, 06:55 PM   #34 (permalink)
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No way. Anyone who says they don't enjoy a good cartoon (designed for children or adults) is lying.

I really love classic cartoons from the 1930s/40s (even though they're kind of bizarre and sometimes racist). They really remind you of how different things are nowadays (for instance, you can't just go to your drugstore for heroin because you've got a stomach ache) and there's a bunch of strange details. That, and I just have a really tender love for cell animation.

When I'm stressed or bored, I like the nostalgia of 90s cartoons (some of the most popular tv series during the greater part of my childhood were completely filthy). These days I just about die laughing over the sick jokes cartoonists managed to get away with back then.

Ki and I have been catching up with Bob's Burgers lately. It's a hilarious animated series. (We've also polished off every episode of Rocko's Modern Life and Beavis & Butthead.) I've been watching Crayon Shin Chan for the past few days (my sister and I used to watch it all the time; it's really raunchy/funny) and I also really love Regular Show. Why? I guess my inner child is a terrible person. Or I'm just in my mid-20s and don't give a shit anymore.

I don't really care much for anime (my sister is obsessed with a bunch of series I've never heard of, though) or anything with a lot of CGI in it (CGI makes me sick to my stomach; Pixar, I'm looking at you). Some of the newer animated series that are geared toward those of us with a dry sense of humor (or particularly produced for adult audiences) are pretty funny, though a lot of it is rather hit and miss (Family Guy, for instance - sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I just want to slap Seth McFarlane in the face with a chainsaw).

Spoiler for some unrelated crap that nobody cares about:
I enjoy a good animated series. I also enjoy silent films, the glamour of old Hollywood, the grainy film of classic horror movies, chessy tv sitcoms of the 70s (I have seasons 1&2 of Welcome Back, Kotter on DVD, and I'm not even kidding - my second favorite is Three's Company, but I've also seen more episodes of The Brady Bunch and Little House on the Prairie than I'd care to admit).
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