Originally Posted by Pedestrian
I can't stand up for myself. I'm incapable. Every attempt at doing so ends like a sketch comedy, where the underdog throws a rock at the tiger and gets chased off after immediately regretting the decision. I am just never willing to shove anyone as hard as they are willing to shove me.
Standing up for yourself is hard though, just because you can't stand up for others doesn't mean you're a bad person at all. Some people are stander-uppers for themselves, and for everybody else, or maybe just themselves. You exorcise this by writing and showing off your writing like your script you showed off. You can do it, just you aren't sure of yourself yet enough to do so. But you know, so just give yourself time to forgive yourself your weaknesses that you perceive to be there (trust me they dont see them on the outside) and just take baby steps. You can do it~~~~

Also I know it's hard to show weakness when you are afraid to reveal anything about yourself but there are likeminded people wherever you go. Just have a little faith! I know even posting in this thread is a HUGE step for you and that's amazing and I'm totally proud of you /internetmom
as for me, I'm so f
ucking queer I sh
it and puke rainbows.
Also, idiots think the things I do are for attention rather than doing them because they come naturally, so anyone who thinks this can go **** themselves. I do what I find to be right morally. My identity is not an aptitude test that I have to submit to you for grading to be valid. I am valid, I'm a human being, I'm whatever I want to be.