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Old 05-26-2013, 03:55 PM   #168 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post
I know, but I honestly don't care what others think. The fact that we support each other is enough for me. I think it's great that if I realized I identified as anything different you'd just be like "Wow, that's great!" and I would never have to feel embarassed.

And looking back on that moment, I never realized what an amazing impact she had on me. She was older and you would never think she was so accepting but she just understood me and just listened to me. She was wonderful.
Right? Exactly. It's so great to have a platform where you feel you are safe expressing your identity if it's not the "norm" and we are definitely not the "norm" We are weirdos but we're good weirdos, we are level headed and loyal and kind and intelligent, unlike some people we know.
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