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Old 05-24-2013, 03:59 PM   #8183 (permalink)
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: In a French-ass restaurant
Posts: 337

Right, so this'll probably end up being way longer than I intended it to be but whatever. Basically I've been "seeing" a guy a couple of years older than me for the past three weeks. I met him through a couple of friends, he's like a 9/10 and I never managed to get a rebound in from my last relationship so yeah, I got involved with him on a purely physical level. The thing that's annoying me right now is that when this all started I said to him that I'd rather keep it all under the radar and I still want to now, but as of tonight he's basically announced that we're a thing (which we aren't) to the wide world via Facebook. I need to decide whether to call him out as a lying tosser and drop him for doing it or just clear up the actual nature of it all to him and everyone else and carry on. Him doing that in the first place makes it very clear to me that he's pretty irresponsible and doesn't really give a damn about me as anything more than a trophy but if I have no interest whatsoever in an actual relationship with him or anyone else and will end it all anyway in a couple of months is there much harm in me carrying it on for a while?

Also don't worry about me getting attached to him because that happening just isn't in my nature. And yeah, I know this is very cold but I'll probably be doing it with way more people in Uni soon so I may as well embrace YOLO philosophy earlier.
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