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Old 05-21-2013, 01:21 PM   #439 (permalink)
Blue Pill Oww
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Originally Posted by BastardofYoung View Post
Whatever. I just have no tolerance for those who do this. You see it all to often, someone always has to chime in with it. When someone dies, people will come on and be like "oh, what about these 51 people died here, they are people to"

I am not bothered by people who can show some respect for them, and just say a RIP to them, and say their peace for them. That is one thing. But is quite another to derail a thread like this, just to make people feel like assholes, and pull the "they are people too" card.

If you feel the need to be "um no, what about the 51 people who died" card in such a provocative way, in my mind, that is pretty weak.

We can mourn who we like, without having someone come on and try to change it like that.

Hey, I say RIP to those people too, and I think this person is right, unknown people are people too who deserve to be mourned, especially when it comes to a disaster. They deserve it too.

But if you feel the need to be childish and derail it in such a way, and then sit there and be like "oh, people always come down on me and I don't know why.. I am used to it"... what is that saying.

You think you can just say bat shit crazy stuff, and people won't jump in and be like... come on, that is pathetic...

Just say your peace, but don't act like that. It is childish and uncalled for.

If I sound harsh on this person, it is because of that. I mean, come on now...
^ this
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