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Old 05-17-2013, 08:39 PM   #2 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
Well Fred, if you have any recomendations let me know, I'm going to revamp the list in the fall, as I don't feel I finished the job I set out to do, which was to make a good comprehensive list of hardcore/punk bands.

Basically I didn't start checking out the indie labels until mid stream, and as a result, I ended up compiling a long list of bands that were too late to fit on the list. I also didn't do a very good job of capturing the harder end of the genre by today's standards, too many old school bands.

As for polarizing, the countdown was just for fun, I didn't actually think anyone would follow along, so Nirvana was an easy way to avoid mumbling when I noticed the view count was spiking.

I just went with my ear, if I didn't, most of the metalcore & melodic hardcore bands would have been eradicated from the list. You would be surprised at how much I held my nose, it was not my personal top 10.
I loved the list! This has easily been one of my favorite threads of the year. I may not have agreed with every pick, but that's to be expected, it's not my list after all. And even though I teased you a little about the Nirvana pick, the fact is that you demonstrated so much knowledge throughout the thread that I have nothing but respect for your opinions.
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