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Old 11-04-2005, 02:50 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
I guess thats a common effect bungee jumping has on people.

Billy Connolly once told a story of how you can imagine how freaky it would be to go flying, the same sort of feeling you get when you bungee-jump.

He tells: Two pals are having a get together after a few years. George is telling Tim how he has just bought a new plane, a nice orange one. He asks Tim if he would like to go for a wee flight. Tim says "errr yer sure" extremely anxiously.

So up they go and George begins putting it through its paces, a few twists and a few dips and dives. George is happily telling Tim how great it is in the summer to go flyin, "It's so nice when you're up here in these UGHahhhh!". Tim looks over and see's George's head drooped over the controls. He starts prodding him, "Oh come on mate, enoughs enough, stop takin the piss!" Tim is shit scared, he starts pressing all these buttons while the plane plummets.

He finds one and a voice comes on "Ground Control, report in over" Tim clicks the intercom button "Er Ground Control?! Err listen, me mate and i were havin a wee fly and I think he's just died! I donno how ye get down and I think we're upside down!"

Ground Control comes back on, "Oh? What makes you say that?"

Tim jumps back on the radio, "Because the shits comin out me collar!"

****ing brilliant story, Billy obviously tells it much more emphatically than I but the whole point was it's easy to crap your pants when you're plummeting to the ground.
She thinks I'm a reclusive genius, she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out i'm a reclusive wanker
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