As someone who has a similar problem I have a found a solution.
Sort of.
It's silly, but bear with me. I came up with this many years ago, late at night, being bored out of my mind, having only a bottle of mineral water around.
You need a 2 liter or so plastic bottle, 1/3 full of cold water (not ice cold, tapwater cold). Lie down on your back and place the bottle on your forehead/nose. Try to balance it. let go of the bottle, put your hands next to your body. Try balancing the bottle so it doesn't fall off - it might be tricky at first but you'll learn in no time. Now the thing is that even the smallest move you make makes the water move, the bottle starts falling off - you have to compensate with head movements only.
It usually takes me no more than 10 minutes of this before I decide I am so sleepy I can no longer maintain the balance, I take the bottle off and fall asleep.
I don't really know why or how it works, but the combination of the weight of the bottle, the temperature and the effort to keep it in place .... it's hypnotizing, for a lack of a better word. I often have trouble clearing my head before going to sleep, with various thoughts chasing each other, so to speak. This relaxes me, clears my mind. At some point you stop thinking about everyday problems that keep you from falling asleep, you just think about the god damned water bottle, it's both boring and fascinating at the same time.
Just remember to make sure the bottle is not open and that once it falls off, it won't for example fall on the table and knock down an ashtray and an open carton of milk (as happened to me once)