Originally Posted by Starladear*~
hi im also very new to this board.Oh and nice musical choices,very nice.You dont hear a lot of people nowadays listening to oldschool and newer stuff.im impressed.
Hi Starladear, thanks for commenting.
Originally Posted by adidasss
yo evan, just wanted to ask you since you live there, what the hell is happening in Paris man?! i never thought something like that could happen in Europe. Africa, north and south America yes, but Europe?....sad..... 
It's a bit of a mess here right now... they torched over 500 cars yesterday at Renault's. Burnt down a whole lot of shops, stopped a train cold, assaulted the driver and robbed everyone on the train... there's been several casualties of less serious injuries, but today saw the loss of an innocent life. A man was burnt alive while travelling on a bus. He didn't make it out on time because he was handicapped.
I guess I can go on about how this all started, but I guess I've just lost my stomach to concentrate on anything else rather then the fact that innocent people's lives are now affected. It sickens me to the stomach how ignorance thrives so carelessly, and as if it's not bad enough how Nature teaches us every single day how cheap life can be, that there are still those who would go out of their way to cause suffering, pain, destruction and loss in others people's lives.
This is in no way directed at you, adidasss. I thankyou for your concern and I appologize for having lost my urge to explain you the more political or economical side of all this and instead turn this into a ranting thread, but it's just so, so tiring. All this is no different from the riots which took place less then 2 weeks ago in Birmingham England, or the Redfern riots in Australia, or the Rodney King riots in '92. It's all but a demonstration of a cruel and ugly side of our human nature, where lives are lost, names forgotten, and the only thing that's left is a little less care in this world, and we will not learn.