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Old 05-15-2013, 01:38 PM   #13216 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Perks of Being a Wallflower

I read the book in high school and wasn't floored by it besides a few great parts. I found it to be a bit pretentious but had aspects of heart and knowledge of what high school can be like for certain kids. In a small way I grew up a lot like Charlie who is the main character of this film. Freshman year I didn't know many people as my friends from middle school started getting into sports and general douchbaggery and I was branching away. Over time I started attaching myself to certain groups of friends and I made a lot from all kinds of cliques but I never was REALLY close with a group until sophomore year. The difference was that my friends are 1-2 years younger than me but we've been best friends ever since and we still are. I also read books on my own in class and was very quiet when I wasn't poked for a response. Anyway, I connected with the film more than the book. The acting was very good from the kids. Ezra Miller is awesome. The kid can do comedy and horror very well as I loved him in We Need To Talk About Kevin. I expected the film to be a sentimental soup like the book was but it balanced it's emotions very well and I was actually choked up by the end. I'm going to probably purchase this because it just made me feel very good. Made me want to go hang with my friends. I think I'll do that.


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