Was sifting through my notes, and came across a few short ones. Enjoy.
Wish I never knew
Just how bright the Sun could be
Or how dark it gets
When all the sunshine leaves
Wish I could go back
To a time when I could see
Maybe I'm inside my head
A world of my own creation
Would explain it all and more
Or maybe I'm already dead
Living a lost sensation
Why everything is not like before
I know, undoubtedly, you doubt me
But let's see how you do without me
And I hope you take this lightly
Cause lately
I've just wanted to stick it to you
We all play a game of chess
From the moment we are born
Most of us are simple pawns
Just weaklings among the strong
But soon the board's put away
And every piece is equal
Kings put on the same level
As us, the simple little pawns
Last edited by Sljslj; 05-14-2013 at 04:27 PM.