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Old 05-09-2013, 09:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
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He's not a top 5 striker tbh.

Surely Messi, Ronaldo, Falcao (you disagree), Lewandowski, Aguero, Tevez, Cavani, van Persie, Suarez, are all better than him?

TH I think the only forum they're even slightly bothered is RedCafe but they're Glazer loving idiots on there anyway, read on from here - Wayne Rooney - Page 229 -

I was saying before to a Utd supporting mate, when was his last good game and he couldn't even come up with one. Not in the same vein as Giggs vs Chelsea/Madrid/QPR, Hernandez vs Us or van Persie vs loads of teams. It was similar last season as well with the exception of the Bolton hat-trick, Arsenal 8-2 and taking two penalties against Chelsea.

I think saying he's played out of position blah blah blah is just a way of detracting from his unfulfilled potential and bad form, ignoring the fact that 'In the hole' was always regarded as his best position anyway and that's where he's been playing, he looked quite good there when van Nistelrooy was the out and out striker. Did well with Saha as well. Even if it was a genuine point, Welbeck was played out of position against Madrid and was actually brilliant that game and has been in a lot of the games he's played this season despite not scoring much and being played out of position. Rooney was subbed off 'cos he kept losing the ball.
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