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Old 05-07-2013, 09:28 AM   #127 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
I am not going to research
I realize, it's apparent to all you've no interest in educating yourself on the matter.

slavery in this country began about the time the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock; a little over a decade after the genius' who landed in Jamestown in 1607, expecting gold to be lying all over the beach, stopped starving to death and discovered another crop Both tobacco and cotton were also very profitable, and, a big part of the southern exports; which also utilized slavery. I would imagine that when they put other human beings on those auction blocks, the more physically stout and fit probably cost more, and, may have been used as more than simply a years worth of labor. And, the 57 years is a bit off on the time frame for your argument. It was more of about 240 years, so there was time.
Where the hell were you educated boy, Arkansas or California? Only the period between the ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade & the Civil War is relevant; for a population to develop a meaningfully different expression of particular alleles isolation is required. The period before 1807 is irrelevant because there were continuing, large importation of slaves from wildly disparate population groups.
Have mercy on the poor.
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