Originally Posted by Vanilla
I went through a similar thing, there was like 2 pointless modules, introduction to computers and introduction to word. But I understand not everyone will have the same experiences as me. Luckily my study is self directed. I am going to have to do some study today I've been really slacking!
It will pick up bb. 
It's been good the last two weeks. As my tutor was off, we had the IT section leader cover us and he gave us some practical, hands-on things to do. We were the helpdesk for the college, set up our own server, installed some new PCs into offices etc. It's a hell of a jump from where I was, which was basically barely even started on my course (I had had a day and a half in the classroom) but it was fun, and I'm glad I got my server to work.
Originally Posted by FETCHER.
I've been doing health and safety in college every Friday afternoon for 7 weeks and still have the rest of the college year to go. 
I just want the pub at that time on a Friday.
Wow, how do you do it? I'd be mentally checked out by now.
Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio
Today was one of the worst days in my recollection....
That was really heartbreaking. I have nothing to add that somebody else has already said but I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Originally Posted by Slow Groove
I was on wink news!
What is that?