Originally Posted by Newkie
Love this song, the Gallows cover was pretty poor which was the first I'd heard of it, but the original is top notch. Never checked out much else of theirs though.
As for Parkway Drive...metalcore just doesn't do it for me at all. Nowt against them but I avoid them all pretty much.
Oh I don't know I thought the Gallows version was pretty good, the songs been covered a few times, Dag Nasty did a version of it as well.
If you ever get a chance give Ruts DC a spin, it was their dub side venture after Malcolm passed on.
Originally Posted by Janszoon
F ucking-A yes! I was a little concerned after Parkway Drive, but I'm happy to see Circle Jerks so high on the list. "Coup D'etat" was a good pick for a song as well.
Here's another of my favorites:
Thanks, I use to love the movie Repo Man so Coup D etat had to be on there. Operation is a great song to, as is the whole Group Sex album. Say what you will about Black Flag, but I always thought the Circle Jerks had the edge melodically.
As for Parkway Drive guys. I honestly didn't know what to do about the whole metalcore equation when I first started this list, but once I threw it into the mix, I had to judge each band on their individual musical merit.
I honestly think Parkway Drive is a great band musically, the problem is that they belong to a genre that garners about the same amount of respect as Nu Metal.