Music Banter - View Single Post - The Lyrical Saga Of SljSlj
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Old 05-06-2013, 12:08 AM   #265 (permalink)
The Omniscient
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Pretty much the same kind of **** that I've been writing, about a certain love/hate relationship.


Verse 1
**** this dirty rock
It so entices
But I need, need it
For without my vices
I feel like half a man

You who makes the quiet man
Talk and talk
And makes priorities in line
Broke and ****ed
I love you, you piece of ****
You dirty rock

Verse 2
This ****ing sucks
Once intelligent
Now don't know what wise is
But I don't need to
All I need are vices
To feel whole again

What have I done?
I've thrown away all I love
How could I do this?
For something that cannot love
It's fear incarnate
And I've become it
On the electric chair, here I sit

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3
Damnit, I wish I could say
I've had enough
But I need, need it
More and more
Though it's never enough
My dirty vices
Filthy rock, it entices

Repeat Chorus
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