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Old 05-03-2013, 03:37 AM   #264 (permalink)
The Omniscient
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Location: Reno, Nevada, USA
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Good to hear from you, Erica. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend anyone put this **** - this poison - into their body, either. Not only does it magnify existing problems, but it also creates countless new ones. But it does provide artificial inspiration and makes for interesting subject matter for poetry. Still, don't do it, kids! Seriously.

I think the "Oh God - Oh God, why?" lines are pretty appropriate. I'm literally asking God why he's put us here just to die. It's supposed to be dramatic. The line "Go to sleep" would be a bit easier for me to erase, but I'm not ready to get rid of this one either. Thank you, though, for making me think about things I wouldn't have otherwise.

I'm not one to brag, but "They've never seen my phantoms" really is a great line, isn't it? It made the poem what it is by setting up the themes of the rest of the poem and giving direction where there might not have been any.

And a bump is a short line or small pile of narcotics to be snorted (nasally insufflated).

I never knew that 'till was not a proper way of writing until, though it makes perfect sense now that I think of it. I feel kinda silly, actually.

Thank you for all the kind words. Once again, you're the first to share your thoughts on my poems. Well, besides my sober mind trying to breakdown the workings of my not-so-sober mind. Sometimes I feel like Isaac Mendez (Heroes reference) when I read my notes the day after I get trashed. Anyway, I just wanna say I appreciate your continued support of my work over the past couple years.

Last edited by Sljslj; 05-06-2013 at 12:11 AM.
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