Originally Posted by Mello
I'd ask Kurt Cobain if/why he shot himself. The guy could have slammed out some more albums easily. With a new guitarist and some fresh insight. His music had a lot of room for improvement. I liked his dark, people don't know what's going on, but they're all out to get me, and think they know what's going on, theme. I'd have to play a dubstep song for him, just to know what he thinks of the sound.
You probably don't remember back that far Isaiah, but, Kurt Cobain was sick. Apparently, he had some sort of stomach problem that gave him a lot of pain, along with the mental anguish of being so gifted as you well know. But, it was heroin that probably caused him to pull the trigger, so, that is why I am adamant about staying away from it. But, you have the conspiracy theory. This one is nonsense I think that his wife courtney love killed him. Sometimes the songs give you clues, agreed? I was talking to Dyllon, and, asked him what his favorite Nirvana song was. He said 'Aneurysm'. Whatever the deal was, I know it was heroin that pulled him down far enough to grab a shotgun. Don't touch that sh*t okay. As we move along through this thread, I am going to ask you some questions, because, I have taken some serious crap on many forums, and, it came to mind that I may deserve a bit of vindication on at least one forum

Because damn it, I always post music!