Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
I can go either way. Its just artwork, no biggie in my eyes. I've dated both. My ex had her entire back covered in work, she was beautiful and a great person. piercings,tattoos, scarification, none of it really bothers me honestly. None of it alters who the person is to me.
It doesn't alter who they are b/c it is who they are. The only tattoo placement I like is under the boob, the wrist or the hip bone like rihanna, everything else is a turn off 4 me and even then it has to be small.
I'll take the worst of Metallica, Kanye, Jay z, Journey & U2 over the "best" of Eminem, The Beatles, Nas and Elvis any day. It's simple math, genius at it's worst or trash at it's best.