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Old 05-02-2013, 04:52 AM   #261 (permalink)
The Omniscient
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Location: Reno, Nevada, USA
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Got some more poetry for y'all.
A few hours ago, I, for some reason, remembered a poem I wrote a couple years ago called "...To Astound" and how much I enjoyed it. Upon reading it, I found my fond memories justified. I really do love this poem. I've re-posted it here so people can get a "back-story" on the new one.

Anyway, after a few hours of writing, re-writing, and meticulously editing it to perfection, I ended up with "Astound 2 - Beating Heart" It shares quite a bit of similarity with the first, as I wanted it to be clear that these are poems are siblings. But it's very different from it's older brother, and is, in my opinion, the stronger of the two.

I realize the length of some of the stanzas in "2" may make the poem a little confusing. I apologize if this is the case, but It's written exactly the way I want and I don't plan on changing it.




We are wanderers
Not lost, but never to be found
With the intention to thrive and astound
We are ponderers
Challenging everything
Questioning all opposition
We are vampires
Knowledge is our blood
We catalyze an observational flood
We are warriors
Traveling through snow and sand
Ammunition always near at hand
Warriors, with the intention to understand and astound

With no destination
Hungering for information
Fueled by the life of others
With murderous intent
Bleeding for the oppurtunity to astound

We are all that strives to exist
We are every oppurtunity that's ever been missed
We are every being who has ever set out with the intention to astound



We are wanderers
We are few, unknown to most
To some, just wayward ghosts
But as the heart of Mother Earth
Ever since the moment of our birth
We connect it all in our travels
Mend what otherwise unravels
Wandering on, we plant a few seeds
Hope we've given her what she needs

We are ponderers
Whose many questions tend to offend
Yet we ask away, up until the end
Inquiries, some that remain from the start
Pursuing information to impart
The valuable knowledge, the answers
Her greatest cure, her anti-cancer
We, heart of Mother Earth, provide the life-enhancer

But this gift, the one they need, that saves
Is the same that leads to early graves

We are vampires
May we never fear the Sun
Nor let it cause us to come undone
Just embrace love and never run
Though our vampire hearts crave blood
Take only what we need, don't be dumb
While we could surely steal all they are
Without leaving a mark or scar
Become whole while the rest are part
We must show restraint, be smart
It all depends on us, the beating heart

We are warriors
With weapons, both sword and pen
No matter who, where, or when
We will remain until the end
We will remain, so ****ing strong
Until the war has come and gone
And Mother Earth's struggle is done
An unlikely day she finds her peace
Becomes heaven, her heart will cease
Having done our job, at very least

For now we'll go on beating
To keep sentience from fleeting
Mother Earth only slightly bleeding
Just enough to know she's still alive
And that we still beat, so she may thrive

Far as the universe is concerned
To what do the best of us amount?
Almost nothing, but to those
Who wish to astound
Take everything you've learned
Ask "To what does it amount?"
It's everything to those of us
Who wish to astound
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