Originally Posted by stp
LOL. That was a joke. Sorry, my jokes are hard to recognise sometimes.
haha. i was joking back. maybe we joke same-wise.
Originally Posted by Hermione
I'm taking a break from my shopping to answer this without being too meta that it goes over everyone's heads and becomes "Hermione is a bitch tho wow what is joeks" again
Oh wait oops
A troll's real definition can vary from the user or the reader's perceptions. A popular type is the malicious troll who relentlessly aims to gain the control, despite the implications and consequences. It's rage is untempered by anything resembling logic or patience, or the self awareness to see that their every barbed word is a paradox. A second kind of troll is one who sees that this troll is more than just a hateful machine, but recognises it more as an abused dog chasing it's tail in front of the owners it bites in hopes for an outreached hand. These trolls are often not truly malicious, yet will engage in similiar behaviour to the first if they detect the manifestation of insecurities and entitlement becoming less of an abstract concept, but a concrete one with real life consequences. The third kind of troll, is the sort of magical creature that AwwSugar and FETCHER defeated for me in the girl's bathrooms, in our first year at Hogwarts
now THAT'S a damn ANSWER... aside from my not knowing what "meta" means (in your usage of it) or "joeks", which could be "jokes" but i'm not sure cuz i'm not privy to what seems like a whole world of internet terminology (is this "leetspeak"?!? i've heard of that!! i'm so lame.)
anyway. hermione. you seem to know a lot about people. thank you as well this succinct reply. (even though i don't get to know what the third kind is.)