i don't even know what to make of the last couple of posts, but to me is seems like jamie foxx's statement is pretty racist. i don't hold it against him though. the whole colonialist infrastructure is f*cking racist as all hell. so what if some black guy hates on whites a bit? i sure as hell don't take it personally.
if i was black it would be a constant struggle to not feel the same. in the article foxx quips about having to be "white for eight hours today." no white person can relate to that.
my problem with racism is that when a white guy is racist it's a superiority thing. some white people really do think that they are simply entitled to more than other races. when a black person is racist, it's because he's drawing on centuries of persecution and oppression... obviously i'm not black and i don't know the feeling, but it could very well be something like muscle memory or a genetic disposition, in which case all blacks are in some way fighting the urge to speak their mind about a great many things for fear of ruining what progress we've made in our collective effort toward harmony... harmony in a very white world.
i don't want to come off like i know what i'm talking about, cuz i don't, but so what if that's what he thinks. seriously. it's not current enough for us? okay. well get over it. if your ancestors were slaves and the sexual playthings of aristocrats, do you think it might take you a little while longer to get over it than it took for you to be allowed into white schools, vote for white presidents, get white jobs and marry in white churches? who the f*ck are we to tell them it's time to stop being angry with us?
maybe he didn't even mean what he said. maybe he just knew it would p*ss off a bunch of egocentric whites.