Vanilla wrote:
My second thought is the following. I think this comes under the same topic. I was fantasizing today how I would love to be able to experience having a man open a door for me, pull my seat out at a restaurant and offer a space on the bus. I think it's such a cool courtesy that I believe men would benefit from too. Because, if a man was to do something like that for me, I would thank him, ask him about his day and perhaps consider him worth meeting again.
I would not put that under 'rules of etiquette'. That's called being a nice person. Now, I am a man, but, I open doors for other men as well. And, I would offer the space on the bus; but, I don't think I'd pull out a seat in a restaurant for a man, but, certainly a date of the feminine persuasion

It's getting more dangerous to pick up hitchhikers here, or, even stop to offer help if someone seems stranded; but, everyone has cell phones now, and, I do stop for hitchhikers still. But, as for any set of 'rules' I live by one. I try to refrain from doing what I don't like to other people. 'Do unto others' thing. But, I don't care which fork is for what
I'm just a regular guy; but, I'm not fat. I found this amusing however.