Originally Posted by blastingas10
Jamie Foxx: ‘Black People Are The Most Talented People In The World’ | Radar Online
While he may have a point, 'cause don't get me wrong, some of my favorite music is made by black people, I think it was a little racist. I think there has become a double standard when it comes to this kind of thing. If a white actor came out and said white people are the most talented, he would be shunned, he would be called racist and his career would probably suffer. I will probably be considered racist for voicing this opinion.
What do you think?
The following is something I pulled off the web a few months ago. Who and where it came from I have no idea, but, I will post a bit of the article.
'Xianist says 12/15/2008:' You may be able to find the entire article; it is a little over a page long; but, begins by stating that the 'article is really just a synopsis of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion...it's nothing new or astounding'. And, it wasn't.
"Look at the society you live in. Who are the new icons in America? Not politicians; hardly athletes; but your musicians, especially rap artists. We have controlled the African population in the American states so well. We've glorified their impoverished lifestyles. Their purposes are to only breed like the cells of an infectious disease, and completely waste any money we've given to them on a slew of material objects we've designed solely for them. We build them up, making them feel like they have equality. Even gave them a TV station to reach the masses of Africans to continuously force down their throats what, how, and why we want them to act. We've given them their own magazines, as if we actually care about their culture. They have been our best TEST subjects, aside from a few of our own".
I have found several articles on the subject of these 'protocols'. Who wrote them, and, are they true? I don't know, but, someone or somethings gave someone the words to type down. I remember when rap came out, and, I thought it wasn't even what I considered music; and, thought it would disappear much the way disco died after a few years. For some reason, it remains appealing to fourteen year old girls, including my 14 year old daughter.
Are black people more physically talented or gifted than whites in America? When Jimmy the Greek came out and said yes; and mentioned it was because the physical traits were a result of selective breeding of slaves in this country; he was subsequently fired as a sports analyst on CBS.
At the risk of sounding racist, and, I am certainly far from it; I would have to agree that in this country blacks are physically superior than most (not all) whites, and, we see that in the major sports scene here. Overall, are they more creatively talented than whites? Not in my opinion. Jamie Foxx's comment is certainly a racist one, and, I didn't know or hear anything about it until I just read it here. Creatively speaking, I have to give that one to the Jews

(the other test subjects)
Just kidding there, it would differ I am sure depending on individual taste, and, Jamie Foxx was out of line for that comment; and, personally I think he is overrated as an actor and comedian. He made his name from the fact that he can do a spot on impersonation of Ray Charles, which won him an undeserved oscar in my opinion. Race music became rock n roll; however, Paul McCartney said that without Buddy Holly there would have never been The Beatles, there you have it.
Has anyone ever heard of 'national beat up a white kid day'? Probably not. peace Who does the best version of 'The Midnight Special'? CCR. whiteys.