Also, just adding on to yesterday. Did a basic card trick with a cull force. Some chick I work with called me out and said she knew how I was doing the trick. She said I was palming a card. I rolled my sleeves up and handed her the deck, both palms facing outwards. I handed her the deck and let her shuffle, with my back turned. While my back was turned, I even encouraged her to hand parts of the deck to other people to shuffle. I don't know if she did or not, but my back was turned, and based on the reaction, I gather she did. She handed the deck back to me and I fanned it out in front on me. I said it was rough, that I wasn't sure, and grabbed the Queen of Hearts to tell me what was going down. The Queen of Hearts told me that the king wouldn't stop stabbing himself in the head. I commiserated a moment, then asked what the specatator had chosen as the card.
The Queen was all, "Aww, ****. You know I'm not good with numbers. Use your psychic powers or some ****.
I threw the card down in disgust.
I then correctly identified the card, and everyone was all jaws agape.
It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung