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Old 04-20-2013, 07:33 PM   #13142 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic View Post
I liked this a lot too. Without spoiling anything for anyone, But I felt like the movie really fell apart in the 3rd act. Neither of the main characters in the 3rd act were very fleshed out or realistic to their upbringings. And, I felt the final frame was just too cheesy and the resolution of the film was too clean cut for all the parties involved.
3rd act was definitely the weakest but Dane Dehaan is such a great young actor that it didn't negate my rating or extreme liking of the film. I took it all in as a whole and applauded it for it's originality and execution. I also failed to mention in my review that Mike Patton does the score and it was pretty f*cking awesome. It really made those moments hit home.

The Intouchables

I don't think this deserves it number 63 spot on IMBD's top 250 but I find more faults in that list every time I look at it so who really cares. I loved the film. It is seriously one of the BEST feel good movies of the last decade and while there were of course some sad moments, it never strayed too far from being such a pleasant and surprisingly very funny movie. Omar Sy has ridiculous charm and I can see why he was cast instead of finding a spanish actor to portray the actual caretaker. Ludovico Einaudi does the music for the film. It's mostly old tracks but it added to the beauty of the film very well. Definitely worth a watch.


The Campaign

F*cking sucked. I laughed maybe three times. I have nothing more to say. It's horrible.

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