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Old 04-20-2013, 04:02 PM   #13141 (permalink)
Electrophonic Tonic
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post

The Place Beyond the Pines

I sporadically decided to go see this film by myself today. Great decision. This was fantastic and easily the best film in theaters right now. I don't know if anybody saw Blue Valentine but it's made by the same director. I didn't really know anything going into this other than the director and the fact that it's got an 80 on RT. This is essential.

If you're planning on seeing this film , go into it knowing nothing. It's not like there are huge twists but the way the story unfolds hits you way harder when you are blind to it. Just trust me on this.

The film was beautifully shot on location in New York State. It was a powerful, haunting, and draining film that I'm going to be thinking about for some time. Cooper and Gosling were great but the real star was the direction and screenplay that made for a suspenseful gut puncher of a film. The only thing that I could call a negative is it's a bit patchy in a few spots which lead to it being a long film but it's in no way a serious problem.

Superb film

I liked this a lot too. Without spoiling anything for anyone, But I felt like the movie really fell apart in the 3rd act. Neither of the main characters in the 3rd act were very fleshed out or realistic to their upbringings. And, I felt the final frame was just too cheesy and the resolution of the film was too clean cut for all the parties involved.
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