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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 04-18-2013, 10:33 PM   #11697 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Originally Posted by XtremeEclectic View Post
Short rant. Dumbasses in my neighborhood with their brights on annoy the **** out of me, as do all these little "country" dumb**** highschool kids with those intensly obnoxious blue headlights on their pos 4 banger 2wd lifted toyotas. it is just so far on my nerves its sickening. I think its time the volvo gets some highlighters across the rooftop and bullbar. fight fire with fire lol
Dude, me TOO. I get really aggressive when people pull that **** on me, and flash my headlights - which they probably rant about on their own personal dickhole forums.

And those blue LED lights are obnoxious as all get out. Even on low beam, they offend the eyes.

I'll also add to this, as far as driving, that I hate people who ****ing ride on my bumper when I'm going 5-10 over the speed limit. What does that accomplish for them? Me, being a huge **** and driving 5-10 under the speed limit out of spite.

Seriously. Stay at least a car length behind me, or I'm going to drive slower than Methuselah probably would had he owned a vehicle at around 800 years old.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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