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Old 04-16-2013, 02:29 PM   #13130 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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The Chernobyl Diaries

Pile of sh*t. Seriously, it was that bad. These Americans need to take a note from Australians on how to do a good found footage/fake documentary film such as The Tunnel or Lake Mungo because I'm getting real tired of **** movies like this that take every single easy path to make a scare. Even Grave Encounters was better than this because at least there was a bit of acting in that. Rubbish.


Happy - Go - Lucky

You're only going to enjoy this if you like films that focus on characters and nothing else. I enjoyed this for the performances; Sally Hawkins and Eddie Marsan were incredible. A lot of people are going to find Hawkins' character annoying but I found her endearing and a purely happy person. Definitely worth the watch.



Well that was weird. Not really much to say about this one because it's a great ride to go on but a very weird film. Again this one focuses on character and not really much else. If you like Mark Duplass and his films then you'll like this one despite the incredibly awkward premise.


The Apartment

I'm starting to attack classic films that I haven't seen yet and this marks my first Billy Wilder film and what a great start. I loved it. Jack Lemmon is just so damn fantastic in everything and Shirley MaClaine was lovely. The film also deals with some pretty heavy events and besides the strange happy ending was a perfect blend of comedy and drama.


The Bay

This one was entertaining. It's far from great but certainly not bad at all. It's shot like a fake documentary with hand held footage being shown but it had some very unique and haunting scenes of horror that stuck with me for a while. The acting was so so and the story had a nice biological and real twist at the end. I'd say it's definitely worth the watch.

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