Originally Posted by Burning Down
I felt this way for a long time about Richard Wagner. Wagner was a German nationalist, very anti-Semitic and generally a white supremacist. He was Hitler's favourite composer of all time because he promoted the same ideals about attaining the pure German society, and Hitler made Wagner the official music of Germany and the Nazi Party. For many years, his music was banned in Israel.
Now I'm just ambivalent about all of that because he does have some really great compositions.
I'm actually rather grateful that I dislike Wagner's music to start with, so I don't feel unjust in calling him a blemish on the history of music lol.
But at the same time...well, ya know I don't think Charles Manson's music is horrible. Some of what I've heard has some really neat vocal textures and guitar rhythms. Still, I don't own an album or have his music on my computer because, well, he's Charles ****ing Manson and I can only imagine the social backlash I'd get if someone found out.