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Old 04-13-2013, 03:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
I actually thought of the way he handled his keeper at Swindon, when he brought him off after 20 minutes and berated him afterwards. I thought of that and hoped, as I still do, that he does that here to be honest.

I could see how, in the long term especially, it could have a negative effect on your players but I wanna see some fire. I wanna see our current squad scared to give anything less than what they got.

Not that we have to worry about that with our keeper but Johnson, Sessegnon, Bramble, O'Shea and Seb Larsson could all use a swift kick up the arse at times.
I don't think a manager should publicly criticise their players like that tbh. I read Keane's book and he said how Ferguson would always back them in public but behind closed doors he'd lay into them good and proper. I think the only time I've ever heard Ferguson publicly criticise one of his players was when Nani gave the ball away in the league cup which led to the Chelsea equaliser this season. Even then he didn't go nuts like Paolo did.

Doing it publicly is just humiliating, can't see how any good would come of that.

Berate them in the dressing room yeah, but the way he spoke about the Swindon keeper and how he was going to boot him out was basically "he is shit, he's lucky I'm playing him" and he did it to the cameras.
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