Originally Posted by Psychedub Dude
Season 5,6,7 were good as a whole, but there have been various instances that have fallen flat these last few seasons. The show doesn't have that same pace it did early on but there are also things they're doing right too. Its a mixed bag with the show, I still really like it but it definitely makes me scratch my head sometimes.
Like the burning guy didn't even really need to be involved at all last season; he was randomly implemented near the end and then killed off like 2 episodes later. It just felt like they threw him in there becuase the writers had to fill a void.
Well they did switch show runners after Season 4.
Oh man, I wanted the burning guy storyline to go on much longer than it did but yeah they needed him to add more tension at a certain spot and that was about it.
I'm fine with everyone biting the dust as long as Masuka and Harrison make it.