Originally Posted by Engine
I thought you openly stated once that you liked testing your debating skills against others here? Maybe I misread or misremembered. I dunno. Sometimes your statements seem like they were made with the intent to provoke someone to take up the challenge of debating you. I don't really mind that (if it's true), it just sort of annoys me. And it somehow seems unfair, it comes across to me as something like subtle bullying. To answer your question, I don't have a preference about what you do.
I only vaguely remember doing that (I believe you though) but, keeping in mind that I have done it, I probably fired off disparaging remarks in retaliation for what I perceived as unduly belligerent or provocative posts you make. Did I really say things that "shouldn't have been approved"? If so, it was probably just that I had lowered inhibitions and was feeling mean. I can't pinpoint what it is about you that brings that out in me.
I've also made friendly or at least agreeable comments in your journal too, haven't I?
Not that I recall, but I'm happy to let bygones be bygones.
Regarding your comment on debate. If engaging in verbal combat is bullying, then the premise of the site is based on bullying (which I do not believe it is). I don't bully anyone here (in my estimation) but I do challenge ideas.
People tend to get offended when I don't just let whatever BS they've cooked up fly, but I never attack people personally.