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Old 04-12-2013, 01:03 AM   #2332 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
This makes ****ing zero sense to me, but apparently Hermione is pissed off, except she was joking, except that it was about something that genuinely does piss her off, and she's freaked at people before about the exact same thing only genuinely, instead of "jokingly"?

In any case, spill your guts thread, guts being spilled -

Hermione - I've no idea if this is a new development or if I was just less familiar with her way back when, but in the past year or so it seems she's become pretty much only interested in being surrounded by sycophants and/or becoming the arbiter of acceptability for all things. I'm not sure I've actually seen her react reasonably to another person disagreeing with her at all, and it seems her reactions are just becoming more extreme and harder-edged as time goes on. The whole "Queen bitch" thing seemed to slowly take over her personality to the point where her reaction to criticism or differences in opinion, or even misunderstandings (or lack thereof, in this thread) seems to just be all out war.

Frankly, I consider the whole thing unendingly, astoundingly tiresome.

Goofle - Cool dude tbh, didn't realise until i followed him on twitter that he was such a big soccer (Or rather, football) fan.

DJChameleon - Another cool dude, and has pretty sick taste in music. Had a ton of fun in the player with him the other day and grabbed some new tunes from it.
**** you.
Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
Could not agree more.

idk alot of users yet, but from what i've seen around i like
Engine, Ki, Troll, Urban just to name a few

i tend to like ppl who are rational but with a good sense of humour
**** you.

Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
Thanks. I try not talking about football on Twitter that much because I usually end up losing followers, but sometimes idiots need to be corrected.

You're a cool guy too. I don't see your posts much but when I do they are always worth a read.
**** you.
Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
I will take part in this group hug. Sometimes it's like a dysfunctional family around these parts but I personally don't hate anyone for who they are even though they may not feel the same about me.

Thanks, we should make that new mumu place a regular thing just post it in the shoutbox or in the mumu thread and if I'm around I'll pop in.

Well that's enough care bear, gummi berry juice, touchy feely from me so I'll end it here.
**** you.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens View Post
**** you.
Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
Hermione - biggest drama whore 2013
**** you.
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