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Old 04-12-2013, 12:29 AM   #2330 (permalink)
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1) Sincere thanks to anybody here who has ever perceived me positively. I sincerely appreciate it because I realize I sometimes spew negativity, and when I do, I mean it. Still, it's not possible for me to feel hatred towards any of you, no matter how much I dislike what you post. This even includes TheBig3 who likes to stir up shit just for fun because he like a challenge, and gets away with it because he understands boundaries. I respect that even though it bothers me that he uses MB members to test his strength in rhetorical battle.

2) Everybody should stop the pointless Hermione bashing. The cool thing about that bitch is that she's open to whatever comes at her and handles it as she sees fit.

Cheers to two of my favorite assholes
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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