Originally Posted by TheBig3
We're 3 weeks out from her asking to be renamed SansaStark.
Brennan, you truly know me too well. I actually considered it.
MB soulmates. Y'all are invited to the wedding.
Originally Posted by Janszoon
Rather than continuing to bite the heads off of people for addressing you with a name you were perfectly comfortable with for a very long time, maybe you should put a little note in your signature or something.
How about not assuming you know the situation? The only other person I've called out on the Paloma thing was someone I expected to be sensitive to the situation, not to mention the fact I'd said "don't call me that" more than once. This person knows my legal name and has used it on several occasions,yet still insists on Paloma because he knows I don't like it. That's a dick move. It's only for that specific reason that I even bothered. Kayleigh & Fred have both called me Paloma before and I haven't ripped their heads off, so get off my d
Anyway, I suppose it's my mistake for not putting it out there that Tim is one of my favourite people on MB, and I think he's a great person overall with a good sense of humour, which is why I poked at him like that. The way people reacted to that nonsense is very telling.
Originally Posted by Plankton
**** you very much btw.