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Old 04-10-2013, 04:01 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
1. Jay-Z
I honestly think he's the most talented rapper to date
2. MC Paul Barman
They don't really have anything else like this, try "Vulture-Shark Sculpture Park"
3. Beastie Boys
Probably made the greatest album in the 80's. Still played constantly on rock radio (from a time when rap was rock).
4. Notorious B.I.G
Was a storyteller when it came to lyrics, but was unstoppable when it came to flow. To quote him, "my slow flow's remarkable"
5. Eminem
Its easy to hate him (here) because he's popular and ICP fans love him, but its unfair to say he's not one of the best rappers ever. His second and third album are on fire to this day.
6. MF Doom
For his work on “hoe cakes” alone he gets a nod from me. Working in a section of rap that doesn’t acknowledge a public image, their focus in the studio is what matters. His investment in this group is worth all the money in the world.
7. Andre 3000
Again, popular so left off a few lists to garner more cred, the working half of outkast keeps his hand in many different pots and its reflected in most things. The concepts alone will keep you interested, never mind the flow or the hooks.
8. Del (and various aliases)
Massive progress from his breakout “catch a bad one” to his hit with Gorillaz. You can see someone who tried to be a rapper morph into someone who happened to rap while telling the stories of his own inverted personal experiences.
9. Black Thought
Tracks 1 and 7, of which the names escape me, on Phrenology are nothing short of badassery. As such, both Black Thought and the roots land themselves at number 9.
10. I refuse to put someone on here I really don’t like.
I think this new Kids song tops any of JAY Z's stuff. He's just starting out and he has a song Called BALLIN EVERY DAY.. JAY Z can't ball like this, ONE EFFECT lyrics are ridiculously outstanding. He has the talent to take these guys if he keeps pushing. Look up ONE EFFECT on sound cloud @ // Just add the first part of the url in the beginning.. the ht*p.. Check it out i think he might beat him in ball'n like a true baller. I think so lmk what you think?
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