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Old 04-09-2013, 09:56 PM   #13108 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
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On the topic of Inception, I'm a massive fan. I think the level of complexity of the film is broader than being able to follow along the various levels and strategies of the heist. I love the details of it. Some examples that come to mind: Cobb's wedding ring being his real totem. The lightning storm in Limbo being the impact of Fischer getting defibrillated one level up. The heist being the subplot of the film. The idea that the antagonist and the protagonist are the same character.

I think a lot of its qualities go overlooked by people who scoff at it being a complex film. Complex films don't have to be difficult to follow.

EDIT: And going back a page, Amelie is one of my favourite films as well. Just beautiful.
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