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Thread: Crosswalking
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Old 04-09-2013, 06:56 PM   #131 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Ped, these are amazing. I feel like you're really starting to master your style here and as much as I've always loved the art you've posted, I'm completely blown away by these. The first and the last are my favorites. My only critique is the that the backgrounds look like they're probably royalty free vector patterns from deviant art or somewhere similar. They look good, but I think your work would be better served by backgrounds that are as unique and unusual as your foregrounds. That's a minor criticism though. As I said, I'm really blown away. Beautiful, wonderful work!
I am chuffed to hear this, especially knowing you work in the field. Thank you.

You've nailed the source of the textures. I would like very much to be able to create my own in the future, but wasn't/am currently not in a position (with the knowledge or technology) to do so. I'd like to swap them out of the PDFs for work that's entirely my own in the future.

Again, thank you. I haven't had a lot of time or motivation to work on this project in the last 9 months, but encouragement like this inspires me to get back on it over the summer.
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