I was already aware that Ryan Reynolds could act outside of his Van Wilder and Blade:Trinity abominations after watching the superlative film The Nines which is an absolute gem and highly original and he is superb in this.
Apart from the obvious gimmick of the film just being one man buried alive in a coffin, I really wanted it to satisfy on an emotional and cerebral level and it didn't disappoint. The first 10 - 15 mins may be a little lackluster but the rest of the film delivers in spades, taking in everything from corporate company tactics to international politics with assuredness and believability. Anyone interested in films that work on a narrative level first and visuals second should see this. I was blown away.
A cheeseburger of the highest order. We lapped these underdog films up in the 80's so despite the awful soundtrack, billboard poster bodies on display and an utterly cliched storyline it still works a treat when you need to turn your brain off and watch a Karate Kid rip off.