something similar to...
Hello Folks I'm new here.
I've been searching something that sounds like st germain - pont des arts
for a long time. I do not know what kind of music is that.
I'm looking for some sort of music in which it will be something like that part on organ/piano/sythesia(do not know what is it exactly) or maybe some sax or whatever but ya know... little funky but very brisky like in that song. I've been listening to other songs of st germain and they are in totally different style (similar to parov stelar) but i'm searching sth which is instrumental improvisation but brisky, mostly played in some pubs or restaurants etc. But dk what kind of music should i search for is it jazz or funk or lounge? is there any special name for that kind of music? please help me.
Thanks for any reply
here is some mix of that song
yotb - WBYYzK-xLF4
and the other one which is slightly different but that's the kind of what i'm looking for
yotb - GHoQFusEhXQ
Funky Lounge
but need more and more and more ^^