Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio
As far as Nolan, I'd also say that Inception kind of earned its place. It was a blockbuster, but there was certainly a great deal more going on than your run of the mill blockbuster action-packed flick. It managed to be extremely popular, and make the average movie patron think at the same time. I think that it was important in that way, even if there are way better movies that are underlauded. Dark Knight and Memento also deserve to be on the list, but Dark Knight should not be as high as it is. It's just not top 10 material.
And, although I actually preferred the characters and story of Dark Knight Rises to its predecessors, I don't think it was the superior film, or as important in the grand scheme of things. Its being above American Beauty, Vertigo, Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, and Amelie just doesn't sit right with me.
Amelie should probably be in the top 10 imo.