Well I would like to mention a few members here at MB.
Unknown Soldier: My Mate!
Vanillia: One of my favorite new MB friends.
Burning Down: Also one of my favorite new friends as well.
Batlord: Has always been a partner in crime since we first met.
Engine: Just one of my all around favorite posters here at MB at this particular time.
Fred Hale SR.: Another Brother from a different mother.
SoundGardenRocks: Haven't heard from him in awhile. Come .. Back.
Plankton: One of the Men.
FETCHER: I like FETCHER as a friend, but she won't talk to me. I don't bite my dear. Regardless, your one of my considered friends.
FuffyKittens: Liked him right off the bat. He really seems to be a smart and very nice young man. One of my favorite new members.
Why Hell! I even like
TrollHeart: A very thoughtful, witty, and just seems to be a very enthusiastic and good person all around.
I'm missing so many more that deserve mention like
Phantasio, Urban, Freebase, RT, Electrophonic, LoathSomePete, BlastingGas10 (all of the moderators actually).
Duga is the "cool" ist moderator/member though.

Wish I could get everyone, but what the hell. I can't.
Bye MB

I'll be checking in on my cell phone from time to time. Off .. back (on the road) to work early in the morning .. "
Everybody Take Care".