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Old 04-03-2013, 03:16 PM   #8 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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Originally Posted by Hitch View Post
Well, the US always has had a military presence in the South (Korea) and apart from the aircrafts already mentioned, there have also been a few warships moved in place to presumably....say hi and have no interest I suppose. Now, if the North really does attack, it's their shortcut to a swift end (doesn't mean the ensuing conflict won't be ghastly and horrible). Which leaves us with...when are they going to give up? Their downfall in any case seems like it is destined for an hideous conflict. Any delusions of this regime running its course should be shelved. And North Korea isn't some pseudo "we are the oppressed against the US" political case. They may have some grounds if they hadn't subjected their population to misery and tyranny, let alone the shameless propaganda. I'd be glad to be proven wrong - where there's some magical renouncement of their nuclear weapons program and lifting of the massive restrictions placed on the population, but the elements required for such a change seems to be missing.

Now, I wasn't really making a case for military intervention, but more for a resolve to not back down after their empty little threats. By 'getting rid of them' meant to be ready to intervene, if they do decide to commit suicide.
The underlined should have no basis on American foreign policy in any part of the world, let alone that in East Asia. Foreign policy should be restricted to protecting a nations vital interests, not the projection of moralism via military might.
Have mercy on the poor.
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