Originally Posted by Black Francis
@Burning down
you are still not getting that im not stringing her along, she's a 23 yr old girl and makes her own decisions
Im not using her more than she is using me
even before i made this thread i was thinking of sitting down and talking this out with her
but what if i ruin it?
to you guys this is just another post but to me this is my actual life!!
im not gonna f*ck up my situation just cause you guys don't approve, it doesn't matter how much you insult me or demean me i KNOW what im doing wrong and what im NOT doing wrong
That's great, she can make her own decisions. What if she decides she has feelings for you? This is why you need to be honest with her about everything. Honesty should be at the forefront of every kind of relationship. Sit down, have a serious conversation, and if that ruins everything then you have confirmation that this wasn't going anywhere in the first place. If she's not serious about you, she should have no problem letting you go.
If you're fearing the repercussions of your actions, you have to realize that you're responsible. But yes, your conscience will be cleared and if that's more important to you, you'll be able to deal with the consequences.
Originally Posted by Black Francis
lol, that i am
i just don't wanna ruin everything ya know?
we work together and have to see each other everyday
if it ends up bad, it's gonna SUPER AWKWARD between us
That's the main reason why office romances are risky. If/when it comes to that, you'll have to swallow your pride and deal with it.
Not everything is as cut and dried as we'd like it to be.