nah. it doesn't have to be awkward. just have a conversation exploring the direction of the relationship. if it's just sex and hanging out, and that's cool with both of you, rock it. if she wants you to be monogamous, then you have a decision to make out of respect for another human being and the fact that you don't want to be a liar. you don't want to be a liar, right? and if it ends up that the most adult thing thing to do is cut it off, then be adults and deal with it. it's not the end of the world, and you could probably hang out without having sex and getting your d*ck sucked if you two have as good a bond as you're leading on.
it can't just be about you wanting to not be alone. this is ripping you in two precisely because that need to not be alone is actually folding in on itself because you gave it too much attention. it's made you weak and you need to overcome it. you can call that judgemental or whatever, but you'd only be fooling yourself if fooling anyone at all.
but again, if she's cool with you doing god-knows-what with other women, then you're golden. some women are totally okay with that. so are some men. some people just want to have fun and not be committed. but it's gotta be honest, or it'll have your head spinning.