75. Ed Schrader's Music Beat- "When I'm In A Car"
Baltimore, MD, 2012, "Jazz Mind"
I saw Ed first opening for Deerhunter/Dan Deacon/No Age on their "round robin" tour. Blew me away. One man and a snare drum had more energy than the 12 guys I payed to see. He got a bassist but he's still every bit as good.
74. Reigning Sound- "Time Bomb High School"
Memphis, TN, 2002, "Time Bomb High School"
Probably the leaders of the garage rock scene since the Exploding Hearts died. Excellent chorus. They still make good music, this one is my favorite though.
73. Thee Makeout Party!- "Wreckless Epic"
Anaheim, CA, 2008, "Time Bomb High School"
Really epic adolescent jam. That's what this is all about though. Never heard the rest of the album. Probably sucks to be honest.
72. The Bobbyteens- "Be My Baby"
CA, 2004, "Cruisin' For A Bruisin'"
Very excellent "girl-punk" although I hate the term. None of these women are attractive, solidifying the music as amazing.
71. Batman and Robin- "Whatever, I Hate Rock and Roll"
?, 2007, "Who the **** Is Superman?'"
"Oh Batman, do you like rock and roll music?"
"Whatever. I hate rock and roll, Robin"